Premium Access
Yay! Capitalism!
Running bot hosting isn't free (or easy). That's why Leg provides additional perks to users who pay a ticket fee (or IRL money if you're more into that)
Premium Access isn't required for most of the features in Leg. However, Premium Access gives you the best bot experience possible.
No matter which type of Premium you buy, you'd still be supporting the continued development of Leg tremendously.
Please do not buy Premium access for features that might come in the future. Buy it for the features that are currently available.
Other ways to support Leg
If you can't be bothered to pay money for a Discord bot, there are other ways you can support Leg.
Report any issues you find in Leg to our Support Server (This helps us find and fix problems for everyone faster.)
Suggest new features/functionality for Leg (This gives us more ideas on what we can add to Leg in updates)
Do Karuta Lookups on your drops (This gives Leg more data to work with!)
Use Spreadsheet Utility (This contributes your cards to Card Finder, making Leg's database even more powerful!)
Simply talk about your experience with using Leg! (This gives us valuable feedback on what Leg is being used for, and how we can improve Leg for those usecases)
Last updated