Card Filter

Easily filter through your card collection with Card Filter

Card Filters allow you to use Karuta-style filters to filter your card collection.

Currently, the following Card Collection Utilities support Card Filters:

  • Collection Viewer

  • Bulk Pricer

  • Worker Viewer

Additionally, the following commands/utilities are also compatible with Card Filters:

  • Sketch Viewer (Some filters are not supported, such as quality.)

Supported Filters

Some of these filters do not exist in Karuta and are only available in Leg!

  • Wishlist (w, wishlist, wishlists, wl) (e.g. w<10,w>1000)

  • Print Number (p, print, number) (e.g. p<1000,p=1)

  • Edition (e, ed, edition) (e.g. e=3, e:2)

  • Quality (q, quality) (e.g. q:4,q<1)

  • Character (c, character, name) (e.g. c:luke,c=raiden_shogun)

  • Series Name (s, series) (e.g. s:tears_of_themis,s=genshin)

  • Card Code (#, code, cardcode) (e.g. #:3bfxgn, #!vhvldt)

The following filters may only be available in certain utilities:

  • Tag (t, tag) (e.g. t!burn,t:cool) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Frame Status (framed, frame, f) (e.g. f:t, framed=false) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Applied Frame ID (framed, frame, f) (e.g. f:blossom, frame=tipsy) [Spreadsheet Utility only] (Note: This requires you to enter the frame ID of the frame you are looking for. For example: Cherry Blossom Frame is blossom. This filter is not strict, so you can usually guess the IDs with trial and error.)

  • Dye Status (dyed, dye, d) (e.g. d:t, dyed=false) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Applied Dye Name/Code (dyed, dye, d) (e.g. d:red, dye=$rlxzf) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Morph Status (morphed, morph, m) (e.g. m:t, morphed=false) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Trim Status (trim, trimmed, tr) (e.g. tr:t, trimmed=false) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Price ($, price) (e.g. $>3,$=0) [Collection Viewer & Bulk Pricer only]

  • Card Alias Status (a, alias, aliased) (e.g. a:true,a=yes) [Not available in Bulk Pricer outside Spreadsheet Utility Mode]

  • Card Injury Status (i, injured, injury) (e.g. i:true, i=no) [Not available in Bulk Pricer outside Spreadsheet Utility Mode]

  • Drop Server ID (server, guild) (e.g. server=[ID], guild![ID]) [Spreadsheet Utility only] (Note: This filter supports larger than (>) and smaller than (<) operations, if you somehow have a use for that.)

  • Grabber User ID (grabber, grabberid) (e.g. grabber=[ID], grabber![ID]) [Spreadsheet Utility only] (Note: This filter supports larger than (>) and smaller than (<) operations, if you somehow have a use for that.)

  • Dropper User ID (dropper, dropperid) (e.g. dropper=[ID], dropperid!none) [Spreadsheet Utility only] (Note: This filter supports larger than (>) and smaller than (<) operations, if you somehow have a use for that.)

  • Dropper Status (dropper) (e.g. dropper=true, dropper=false) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Grabber Status (grabber) (e.g. grabber=true, grabber=false) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Worker Stats (style, purity, quickness, toughness, vanity) (e.g. style=S, purity:4) [Spreadsheet Utility only]

  • Effort (ef, eff, effort) (e.g. effort>300, eff<30) [Spreadsheet Utility, or if effort data is available in Card Collection embed]

  • Burn Price (burnprice, burnvalue, burnval) (e.g. burnprice>100, burnval=1) [Spreadsheet Utility and Worker Viewer only]

  • Max Possible Effort (maxEf, MaxEff, MaxEffort) (e.g. maxEf<100, maxEffort:1) [Worker Viewer in Spreadsheet Utility Mode only.] (Note: Using this filter in the wrong utility or mode will lead to no cards being returned.)

  • Worker Mint Base Value (bv, basevalue) (e.g. bv>100, bv:0) [Worker Viewer only]

  • Worker Current Base Value (cbv, currentbasevalue) (e.g. cbv>100, cbv:0) [Spreadsheet Utility only] (Note: Using this filter outside Spreadsheet Utility will lead to no cards being returned.)

  • Gender (gender, sex) (e.g. gender=male, sex=nb) [Collection Viewer outside Spreadsheet Utility and Sketch Viewer only] (Genders supported are: male, female, non-binary, ambiguous, none, unknown)

  • Sketcher ID/Name (sketcher, sk, sketcherid, skid) (e.g. sketcher=333994507769217036, sk:queen) [Sketch Viewer only] (Filtering by Sketcher name is only possible for sketchers registered in Leg system. If you're a sketcher or know a sketcher, DM @RyanC#5785 to be added.)

Last updated