Cached Lookup

Look through Leg's database of cards instead of Karuta's

Command: "leg lookup"

Aliases: "lu", "klu", "search", "find"

You can also reply to a Drop Analysis message to look up the dropped characters. (Does not work in Massdrop Mode)

Cached Lookup allows you to bypass Karuta and search a character directly within Leg's database.

Cached Lookup provides you roughly the same functionalities as a normal Karuta lookup, with some exceptions:

Missing Functionality

  • Data about the quality of cards in circulation are not available.

  • Accurate alias count isn't provided. Instead, Leg only counts the aliases he knows.

Added Functionality

  • Estimated Base Value for editions is available.

  • Character UUIDs for characters are provided.

  • A shortcut to Leg's Card Finder is provided.

  • Cached Dojo stats for characters are provided.

  • The minimum amount of time someone has been a character's koibito is displayed.

  • The genders of characters are provided.

Last updated