Premium FAQ

Common questions regarding Premium Access

How do I buy Premium Access with USD/Karuta currencies?

How to Buy/Redeem

What can I use to buy Premium Access?

You can either use USD or Karuta currencies.

Payment using USD supports a wide variety of payment methods, mainly:

  • Credit Card

  • Paypal

  • Some region-specific platforms (Like Alipay)

Payment using Karuta currencies like tickets is also allowed, conversion rates depend on what the current gem prices are.

If you are not the server owner, you cannot purchase Premium Access for servers using USD without being authorized by the server owner. For more information, read below.

Can I use Leg without Premium Access?

Absolutely! Most features are designed to not require Premium Access. Premium Access isn't meant to be a paywall, but rather a way to support the bot's development while giving rewards in return.

What are tokens?

Tokens represent the money you used to buy Premium Access on Tebex. A month of Personal Premium is 2 tokens, A month of Server Premium is 4 tokens, and everything scales up accordingly.

This does also allow for, while not recommended, buying 2 months of Personal Premium but redeeming them as 1 month of Server Premium.

This system makes it so you don't need to mess with IDs on Tebex when checking out, allows Tebex functions as chargeback protection to work and allows you to change the type of Premium Access you're redeeming last second.

Can I get a refund?

If you are buying through Tebex, refer to the Terms of Service.

If you are buying using Karuta currencies, you can request for a refund within 24 hours after purchase. These requests should be sent through the Support Server.

Note that if you do receive a refund, it will likely only be a one-time courtesy. Refunds can be refused for any reason after purchase.

How can I use USD to buy Server Premium, even if I'm not the server owner?

Ask the server owner of your server to DM on Discord with the following message:

I authorize [Your Name] to purchase Premium access in the bot Queen's Right Leg using USD for my server ([Server Name] - [Server ID]), and I acknowledge that in the event of a chargeback or a payment dispute, I accept any repercussions or consequences indicted on me or my server, including but not limited to a permanent blacklist from the bot Queen's Right Leg.

After this is done, you will be able to access "leg premium" on the server. This authorization needs to be redone if the server owner changes.

Users who are authorized to purchase Premium using USD will also be able to redeem the complementary Personal Premium.

In the event that the purchaser issues a chargeback or any issues occur with their payment, by authorizing the purchaser with this statement, the server owner accepts that any of the following may occur, listed in no particular order:

  • Permanent blacklist from Leg for the server

  • Permanent blacklist from Leg for the server owner

  • Premium access ban for the server

Additionally, negative consequences may also occur for the purchaser, as stipulated in the Terms of Service.

Last updated