Card Finder
Locate a low/mid-print card with ease!
Last updated
Locate a low/mid-print card with ease!
Last updated
Card Finder allows you to locate cards for specific characters and find their card codes, owners and more. Leg does this by scanning cards when they are displayed in a Karuta menu/interface.
Command: "leg cardfinder [Character UUID] <Edition (Optional)> <p[>/</=][Print Number] (Optional)>"
Aliases: "cf", "printfinder", "cardfind", "trace", "cardtrace"
By default, Card Finder only finds cards with a print number lower than 1000.
Using Print Number filtering enables you to access card codes for cards with print numbers larger than 1000 (up to 35000).
Filtering by Print Number (and by extension, accessing cards with higher print than 1000) is a Premium-only feature.
Card Finder saves all cards, regardless of whether you disabled Leg commands.
If you don't feel comfortable with a card showing up in Leg, you can hide it using "leg hidecard [Card Code].
Hidden cards stay hidden until they are unhidden by the card owner, or if they are transferred to another player.
Hiding a card in Leg does not mean it will be hidden in other bots with similar card tracing features, for obvious reasons.
Card Finder currently listens to the following Karuta menus/interfaces:
Card Details (kv/kci)
Card Collection (kc)
Card Multiburn (kmb)
In addition, Card Finder collects data from your entire Card Collection if you import your card collection into Spreadsheet Utility.
Card Finder is designed with privacy in mind.
Card Finder is designed to always only show cards for a character, instead of cards owned by a specific user.
Card Finder also launched with a card hiding functionality, for the few cards that you don't want people to bother you about, or the cards with special value to you.
To protect players and prevent low print card sniping, Leg locks access to the card code & owner of cards that dropped less than 30 minutes ago. For users with Personal Premium, this restriction is 10 minutes instead.