Shogun Pass

Get access to powerful additional clan-focused features!

The Shogun Pass is no longer a planned feature and will be merged into Personal Premium as complementary perks.

The Shogun Pass is an additional add-on you can purchase that will give you access to a bunch of cool clan-focused features!

To use the Shogun Pass, you must also have Personal Premium. The Shogun Pass is an add-on for Personal Premium and cannot be used standalone.

If you do not have Personal Premium, but you do have a server with Server Premium, you might be able to claim free Personal Premium through "leg premium"!

Bot Perks

Karuta Perks

  • Faster unlimited member fetching, Multi-Clan Merging and Clan Saving in Clan Viewer.

Price of Shogun Pass: $1.5 / 375 💎 a month

Payment with ​🎟 tickets is possible, but price will be dependent on market price (Ticket to Gem Price).

Remember to also account for the price of Personal Premium as well. The Shogun Pass is an add-on to Personal Premium and CANNOT be used standalone.

Did you know: There is a Personal Premium trial package on the Tebex store, which also lets you try out the features of the Shogun Pass in addition to Personal Premium? You can start your trial here:

Last updated