Leg isn't responding to me at all!


Is Leg being fussy for no reason? If so, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check if Leg is currently online. If not, join the Support Server and ping @RyanC#5785

  • Check if you're using the right prefix. Some servers use a custom prefix instead of "leg ", which you can check by doing "[@Leg] prefix". Replace "[@Leg]" with a ping to Leg.

  • Check if your configuration is set properly. To check this, do "leg userconfig" or equivalent. If the command fails, keep reading. If the command works and the settings are all white/red, press "Enable All".

  • Check if the server you're in has locked Leg access to certain channels.

  • Check if Leg has the necessary permissions needed for it to operate. (Send Messages, Read Messages, Embed Links, Use External Emojis)

  • Check if the server has configured Leg properly. To do so, ask an admin to do "leg featureset" and see if the settings are all white/red. If they are, press "Enable All" or set the settings back.

If Leg still doesn't work, join the Support Server and @RyanC#5785

Last updated